"El hombre encuentra a Dios detrás de cada puerta que la ciencia logra abrir." EINSTEIN

martes, 31 de agosto de 2010

Breviario de podredumbre ( Émile Cioran )

“Incluso cuando se aleja de la religión el hombre permanece sujeto a ella; agotándose en forjar simulacros de dioses, los adopta después febrilmente: su necesidad de ficción, de mitología, triunfa sobre la evidencia y el ridículo.  Su capacidad de adorar es responsable de todos sus crímenes: el que ama indebidamente a un dios obliga a los otros a amarlo, en espera de exterminarlos si se rehúsan. No hay intolerancia, intransigencia ideológica o proselitismo que no revelen el fondo bestial del entusiasmo.”
“El fanático es incorruptible: si mata por una idea, puede igualmente hacerse matar por ella; en los dos casos, tirano o mártir, es un monstruo. No hay seres más peligrosos que los que han sufrido por una creencia: los grandes perseguidores se reclutan entre los mártires a los que no se ha cortado la cabeza”.

1 comentario:

  1. Religion is not an excuse to kill the others...religion is not discrimination and racism...I do not mean islam, christianity or judaism, or any philosophy in life...I'm talking in general...and i like this paragraph by Joseph McCabe :"...The reasons for the popularity of the word are well known. First, somehow the use of what was called the scientific method led to the attainment of an immense volume of knowledge on which all trained thinkers could agree. They had never agreed before, in theology or philosophy, except in so far as authority compelled them. Secondly, this new knowledge at once flowered in myriads of inventions which made the world immeasurably better to live in than it had ever been before. As we have amply seen, religion had given men neither the solid truth nor the moral power it pretended to give. Science at once gave men an immense mass of solid undisputed truths and a power which is rapidly transforming the face of the earth and will in time transform man himself..."

    Important subject...thx a lot
